Kit Advice


 You’ll need a tri-wet-suit for swimming (unless you’re really tough and even then, I would wear a wet-suit!). I can help point you towards wet-suit hire or places to purchase a suitable suit. Booties and a highly visible hat are advisable in the river. We always take a hi-vis float to make sure we’re seen by other river users



You can train on a mountain bike but the rolling resistance of the tyres will make it harder work on the road. A hi-brid or racer is a better option so if you don’t already own a bike, I can point you toward places to hire bikes or where to get measured & properly fitted out by professionals. It all depends on what you are looking to do.


A good quality running shoe really makes difference (from personal experience, running in Vibrams on-road is a very bad idea!). If you need help, I can introduce you to some fantastic suppliers who really care about helping you get comfortable and stay free of injuries.